Welcome to Education Couture, a not-for-profit organization specifically designed to teach and strengthen early childhood literacy skills through our proprietary and culturally relevant Therapeutic Music Plan (TMP).
We are committed to reaching and serving the most vulnerable student populations. As we believe, your zip code should not predetermine your destiny!
Our Story
What started as a conversation about the community evolved into a curriculum for the culture, and thus Education Couture, NFP, was born. The name was chosen because it ties into both the culture's love of fashion and our mission to make education just as cool as--things like fashion and music! Organized as a not-for-profit corporation, Education Couture, is working for the collective refashioning of the way we, as a culture, view learning and reading. Everybody reads. Everybody succeeds...and our goal is to do it all stylishly. Because, at Education Couture, the most in fashion thing to do is learn.
Educating oneself is always fashionable!
Therapeutic Music Plan
Education Couture's Therapeutic Music Plan (TMP) is an Arts Integration program that seeks to be a figurative "booster shot" to traditional literacy instruction. Using multiple modalities of coaching, the plan serves to address the varied landscape of learning that takes place in the general education classroom, as well as to scaffold learning in the diverse, individualized, non-integrated specialized setting. Designed to couple with traditional instruction; the TMP is meant to be a supplemental tool that can be used for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. CCSS aligned, this program is intentionally varied in its' design to be intermittently hard--seeming sometimes easy, other times challenging-- it is "easily rigorous."
Via the arts, this program utilizes proprietary songs and engaging art projects to be a vehicle of fun reading foundation reinforcement. Choosing to incorporate therapy, with an approach we call "lit learning"-- this plan aims to take into account not only the social-emotional aspect of learning but also strives to address and remedy the negative stigma that dictates that school and learning are lame. Education Couture's Therapeutic Music Plan loftily aims to bring "learning into fashion". Also, it is worth noting, the TMP coaching model employs the scientifically proven benefits of promoting a positive, nurturing, loving and encouraging learning environment. The Therapeutic Music Plan is ultimately seeking to be a dynamic and rewarding reinforcement of foundation reading skills through the creation of art, music and positive play.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.