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Kids in Preschool

Education Couture

What We Do

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Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Curriculum

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Art Infused Reading Instruction

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Family Phonics

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Teacher Training

A 501(c)(3) Organization

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The Mission
Education Couture is determined to revolutionize the way the learner receives instruction; specifically combatting deficits in literacy as it pertains to the foundational skills. In response, we have developed a proprietary .

Therapeutic Music Plan (TMP).

The Plan
CCSS aligned, Education Couture's Therapeutic Music Plan (TMP) is an arts integration program that seeks to be a figurative "booster shot" to traditional instruction. The TMP is an excellent tool for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
Teacher and Student
The Name
Why Education Couture? In the world of high fashion, couture means custom. And the Education Couture plan is designed to be just that--a customizable, organic approach that adapts to the real-time needs of the learner. The plan is always in fashion.
Contact us
We are accepting clients for School Year 2024-2025.

"Your knowledge of literacy at the early childhood level made our students excel in literacy development."

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